
Command And Conquer: Red Alert 3 Cheats

Spy infiltration effects:
Infiltrate the following structures to produce the corresponding effects:

Construction Yards
Reveal fog of war from the building radius of the enemy construction yard.

Power Plants
Shuts off enemy’s power for thirty seconds.

Steal $2,000 from your enemy.

Barracks/War Factories
Shut down the production structure for thirty seconds, making unit production and repairs impossible. You will also see all units produced from that structure for a short period of time.

Tech Buildings
Temporarily stop production of tier 3 units or structures. It also will reset the enemy’s radar, leaving only portions of the map where their units and structures are visible.

Reset the count down timer back to the start.

Mini-Construction Yard:
While your MCV is packed, use a Cryocopter to shrink it. Then, unpack it and you will have a mini-construction yard that allows you to build structures twice as fast.

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