
Hot Wheels Stunt Track Driver Cheats

Cheat Codes:
Press one of the following keys to activate the corresponding cheat on a custom track:

Toggle headlights – L
Toggle scenery or almost total darkness – W
Instant crash – C
Use horn – [Space]

Secret track:
Enter the practice race screen (with the checkered flags) after unlocking all the tracks. Move the pointer over one of the letter “T”‘s in the word “Mattel” on the “Hot Wheels Mattel” screen. Hold the Right Mouse Button to access a 3-D world. You do not have to pick a race; just click the green arrow and pick your car. Click “Go” and you will be on a bonus track. This procedure must be repeated after the race ends if you wish to do it again.

After unlocking all the normal tracks, go to the track selection screen and click on the “Hot Wheels” icon.

After completing all the timed tracks, advance to the practice track menu where you can choose a track. Looking at the background picture, point to the letter “A” in the word “Mattel” that is on the red seal. Right click on the “A”. If done correctly, you will hear the music change to a space theme. When you hear the music, click on the green “Go” button as you would to play a normal track after selecting it. Choose any car desired. Then, click the green “Go” button to race on the Space track.

Monster Truck:
Go to the dinosaur level and drive backwards for a long time.

Monster Van:

Go to the swamp level and press [Up], [Left], or [Right]. Be careful when landing.

Green Van:
Note: This trick requires a game controller. Go to the garden level. Go sideways while pressing 3 4 on the controller. Listen for a gunshot and try to do four of these moves.

Tydied Van:
Note: This trick requires a game controller. Go to the beach level. Go sideways while pressing 3 4 on the controller. Listen for a gunshot and try to do four of these moves.

Toggle track lights:
Press L when driving on a custom track.

Press C.

Remove custom map in background:
Press W.

Use horn:
Press [Space].

Alternate jumping:
Instead of using [Shift] [Ctrl] for jumps, use [Alt] [Ctrl] for a hidden jump worth extra points.

Getting cars:
One way is to hold [Shift] [Ctrl] to do a barrel roll. Another way is get a good stunt. To get the rest of the cars, click on the trophy and at least get to the last race.

Extra points:
Do multiple tricks, then try to land and drive backwards for major trick points. If you get enough, there will be a fireworks display at the end of the practice session.

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