
Mount And Blade Cheats

Cheat Codes:
Select “Configure” at the opening screen and click the “Game” tab. Place a check in the box for “Enable Cheats” and click the “OK” button. Then, enter one of the following codes at the specified screen to activate the corresponding cheat.

Alternately, use the following steps. Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the “rgl_config.txt” file in the game directory. Change the cheat_mode = 0 line to cheat_mode = 1. Then, enter one of the following codes at the indicated screen to activate the corresponding cheat.

1,000 Dinars (Inventory Screen) – [Ctrl] X
1,000 experience (Character Screen) – [Ctrl] X
Upgrade selected unit (Party Screen) – [Ctrl] X
Teleport party (Map Screen) – [Ctrl] Left Mouse Button
Toggle Truesight (see all parties) (Map Screen) – [Ctrl] T
10 weapon points (Character Screen) – [Ctrl] W
Toggle slow motion – [Ctrl] [F9]
Kill current enemy (Battle Screen) – [Ctrl] [F4]
Knocks out all enemies zoomed into (Battle Screen) – [Ctrl] [Shift] [F4]
Knock out all your troops (Battle Screen) – [Ctrl] [Shift] [F6]
Knock out one of your troops (Battle Screen) – [Ctrl] [F6]
CPU-controlled character (Battle Screen) – [Ctrl] [F5]
Damage yourself (Battle Screen) – [Ctrl] [F3]
Restore health (Battle Screen) – [Ctrl] H

Change abilities:
Note: This procedure involves editing game files; create a backup before proceeding. First, create a new character in the game. Once done, go to the character page (attributes, etc.) and choose “Statistics” (underneath the character portrait). Then, click “Export”. Once your character has been successfully exported, exit the game and enter the game folder. The top folder should be “charexport”. Open this folder and double click the file with your character’s name. Change the values to whatever desired after saving a copy. Go back into the game and reload your saved game. Go back to the statistics through the character page. Choose the file that you edited. Load it. Your character now has those abilities.

Attacking in towns:
To attack in towns or any rooms, press ] to take out your weapon, and [ to take out your shield. Note: You must have the weapons equipped before doing this.

Strange Helmet and Strange Sword:
When you enter Thir, go into the river and follow it up to the left. Under the small bridge is a chest. Inside you will find a Strange Helmet and a Strange Sword. These are very good items on a new character. You can also sell them. The amount of Denar you get depends on your Trade skill.

Strange Armor and Strange Shortsword:
To find the Strange Armor and Short Sword, go to Rivacheg. As you go into the town, on the right is a wall. Along that wall is a chest with Strange Armor and the Strange Short Sword.

Removing large groups:
Hold [Ctrl] [Shift] [F4] and large groups of people will be knocked out rather than the single person that [Ctrl] [F4] does. It is recommended that the visual setting and other options be set as low as possible (for example, the number of ragdolls, bloodstains, number of bodies, etc.) because it will immediately slow down the game and potentially freeze. This cheat works very well against large armies of people that you must fight off. Also, when using this cheat it may cause the on-screen events scroller battle to lag, and messages such as “Click Tab to exit battle” may not appear. If you wait a few seconds after all enemies are down to press [Tab] to finish the battle, also the game may send out a “Click Tab to exit battle” message before another wave of enemies appears, and may or may not take you out of the battle if you press [Tab] during this time. It is recommended to wait a few seconds till the next wave appears.

Getting horses:
Press 4 to select your cavalry, then press [F2] to make them approach and follow you. After your cavalry has arrived, press [F4] to make them dismount. Take any desired horse and press [F2] to select infantry and the dismounted cavalry. Press [F2] to make them follow and then press [F4] to make them mount again. You can now optionally also press [F3] to make them charge. This will cause one of your cavalrymen to lose a horse, and more if they cannot mount the horses.

When an enemy cavalryman is charging, move to the right to avoid receiving crouched lance damage. Ready your weapon to swing from left to right. When the cavalryman is close enough, jump to hit the man instead of the horse. You may need to aim slightly downward at this point, depending on your agility and encumbrance. If successful, the man will fall off and you will have a free horse.

Another way to get a horse from the enemy is to lead them to the edge of the map, where they will keep trying to go towards the edge. Then, just jump and slash. Do not stab or slash vertically or you will probably hit the horse.

Kill enemy horses:
When an enemy horseman is coming towards you, remain still and prepare your weapon. When he is near, leave the weapon and the horse will have a low life or die.

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