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Color Switch Poki Game Review

For those who enjoy puzzles and arcade games of which challenge your skills, Color Switch game on Poki is an arcade title which you’ll probably want to check out. It’s a flash based game, which means that it can be enjoyed within your web browser. Available on both Android and iPhone, this game can also be played from your smartphone device. So, let’s take a look at what this game is all about.

Color Switch Poki Game Review

As the shapes rotate, your aim is to get the ball through the correct section, reaching a star, ensuring the segment you pass though is the same color as the ball at that specific moment. As this constantly changes as you progress, the challenge becomes ever more demanding – yes, the ball will alter its colour, too. The objective is to continue this process, making sure you don’t collide with an area of the shape, avoiding a color-mismatch. Of course, things begin to get harder, the shapes get smaller.

You control the ball by a click of the mouse (if you are using a PC), or a tap of the screen if using the smartphone edition. Each click or tap gives the ball a slight bounce, so learning to perfect this will help you to gather a far greater score.

The visuals are decent and combine nicely with the audio effects. Ultimately, they provide you with that retro arcade feel. Your score it displayed in the top left hand corner, with your best score located to the right side.

Whilst simple at the core, Color Switch is a rather additive experience. It tests a variety of metrics, especially your reactions, whilst teasing your visual-sensing capabilities. Simply put, you should definitely check this free-to-play game out if you enjoy a challenge.

It seems fair to say that this arcade game is rather hard, and the longer you play it, the easier it will become. You’ll send many hours mastering this great game. Of course, as your score increases, so does the tension. How far will you be able to go? Will you be able to get the circle through the next spinning square? Give Color Switch a play today, after all, you won’t regret it.

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